18 March 2008


While the rest of you were out there chugging green beer yesterday and throwing up in the bathroom of your local Irish pub, I was at home practicing wifey duties and making REUBENS!
I boiled up the meat on Sunday with the usual suspects (cabbage, potatoes) and a delicious horseradish sauce. Last night we had the sandos, and tonight I'm making a soup with the leftover cabbage. The Irish gift that keeps on giving. Just like my leprechaun fiance!

Just so you know that I'm keeping it real, I found an "all natural" corned beef at Whole Foods without any sodium nitrate. That's the stuff that makes it bright pink, but beef is supposed to be brown, duh.
And I used Bubbies sauerkraut which is just cabbage, salt and water. No vinegar, no soggy stringy stuff, and if you eat enough of it, you won't get scurvy because it has tons of vitamin C. I hate scurvy.
Pass the kraut!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cabbage farts rule, don't you agree!