23 July 2008


When I was a cellulite-free shorty about 60 years ago, I ate donuts all the time. It was one of the few constants in my constantly relocatable life.
In Connecticut at Dunkin Donuts, I'd take anything with sprinkles, and a box of assorted Munchkins to go.
Canada was all about Bryan Adams, snow days and Timbits from Tim Hortons.

North Carolina = Krispy Kreme of course.
Even a box of chocolate wax-covered Entenmann's would do in an emergency donut situation.
You see the pattern. Lard + sugar never failed me.

Until now. I can't eat donuts more than twice a year. Who am I kidding. It's bad enough that cheese, butter, and bacon hold steady spots in my weekly culinary lineup. I have to make some sacrifices.
I thought this might get tricky with the opening (finally) of Dynamo Donuts on the soon-to-be-gentrified 24th street strip in the Mission. I've been stalking this place since I heard about their lemon-thyme honey-glazed gourmet donuts that were supposed to look like this:
Food porn.

Well they finally opened Tuesday and I ended up with a maple, bacon apple donut (there were only three left when I got there at 8:50am) that looked like that.

Not bad. Eh. The maple was a little dry and not that maple-y. The bacon sprinkles on top were just enough, and I did get a few chunks of apple in the donut part. Since they've only been open two days, I'll probably have to go back next week for quality assurance purposes and further investigative research. Stay tuned.
Is there such a thing as a "donut top"?


Lord Cheez said...

Bacon on a donut? I'm on it.

kimetime said...

Krispy Kreme. Oleander Drive. Feeling good.